Friday, November 14, 2008

Finding The Way

I wont deny the fact that I am really very busy these days. I'm few months away from finally receiving my college degree. We are still on the process of constructing our Project Design...our final requirement that dictates our fate. I know one of these days we are going to enter a point on our studies where we have to spend sleepless nights finishing our project...

Sure enough, ECE is the toughest course in EVSU..I'm saying this not because I'm taking up ECE and I don't have any idea on what the hell the other students of my beloved university are experiencing right now but with due respect to all of them, it is very clear who among the students are seen carrying heavy loads...yet people also see us excelling on academics (char!). You can ask any Engineering instructor or even Mathematics Instructors from the CAS if you want some testimonies...

But my point here is, I'm glad that despite the fact that I'm very busy this days, I still have time to unwind and write down here the things that troubles my mind. Hopefully my friends will be able to read this and I'm pretty sure they'll be very happy to see that I've found a way out of my stressful life. (Huhu I don't have a lovelife--I've got no one to pamper listen to me and take care of me.)

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